Like every year this year, too Anti-Ragging Campaign began with a meeting of the Director General with All HODs and the launching of an air balloon with Anti Ragging Message above the college complex.
KIRAN: Anti Ragging awareness among senior students began with KIRAN (Kaho India Ragging Aur Nahin) program. The proctor of the college addressed all 2nd, 3rd & 4th year students on 6 & 7 October 2022 mentioning the ills of the ragging and provision of strict punishment to be awarded if one is involved in any incidence of ragging. Various provisions of ragging as laid down by UGC/AICTE were explained. Video clips available on the UGC site were also shown to all students. Students were also educated on the ills of drugs.

As per guidelines laid down by AICTE/University, a three-week induction program was planned for all firstyear students wef 7 Nov 2022 to 27 Nov 2022. The following daily activities were performed as per a wellplanned time schedule. The report of Induction Program as desired by the university has already been submitted through given Google Form link: mentioned in letter No: AKTU/Dean UG/2022/644 Dated: 01/12/2022. A copy of the same report duly signed by the Induction Program Coordinator and the Director of the college is enclosed.
1. Daily PT/YOGA: PT was carried out in small size squads of 30 students residing in the college hostel. Each of the squad was supervised by a senior student under the overall supervision of a well-trained PT teacher. The activity was conducted daily from 06:30 am to 07:00 am during Induction Period.

2. Human Value Classes: Each section of first year students of class size of 60 was taught Human Value aspects by selected faculty mentors qualified in Human Value and Professional Ethics Course conducted by the university. List of mentors provided in the Induction report form enclosed.
3. Creative Art Sessions: First-year students were segregated depending on their choices of activities and were allotted to their respective activity groups for sufficient numbers of periods for conducting Creative Art Sessions.

4. Literary and Proficiency: First year students were subjected to literary activities such as reading, writing, debating activities in their respective counselor’s periods. They also discussed with students to make them familiar with English, common applications of Computer such as PowerPoint, MS Word and MS Excel sheet etc.
5. Lectures by Eminent People: Multiple sessions of guest lectures were planned and conducted by eminent people on subjects of importance to make them handle any adverse situation. Each student was addressed in groups by the following speakers on the topic shown below: –
Shri Sushil Agarwal: Motivation and Character Development on 10 Nov 2022

Shri Amar Chaudhary: Motivation on 11 Nov 2022

Brig. Ramesh Chandra: Time & Stress Management on 14 Nov 2022

Col T. P. Tyagi: Nationalism on 17 Nov 2022

6. Visit of local Areas: All students were made to visit the college Faith Centre and various departments. They were also given a virtual tour of the college facilities and other departments by senior students of societies.
7. Engineering Exploration Program: All students in groups were addressed by the General Manager of AKG Skill Centre/TIFAC CORE on various industrial collaborations / MOU existing in the college. These were conducted across all 10 skill centers such as LabVIEW Academy, Industrial Robotics Training Centre, BOSCH Rexroth Centre, JANATICS Industrial Pneumatics Knowledge Centre, Siemens Product Lifestyle Management Centre, AIA Competence Development Centre, FRONIUS Advance Welding Technology & Research Centre.

8. Evening Games: All first-yearstudents were made to attend games period from 4-5 PM daily and were to play/watch at least one game of their choice under an assigned coach hired by the college.

9. Anti-Ragging Kite Flying:

10. Feedback Obtained: All students were asked to provide feedback on the conduct and quality of the induction program. Most of the students provided Excellent grading for Induction Program activities. A few comments made by most of the students were as “It was amazing and very informative”,” Excellent”, It was good and well organized”, “Nice it was awesome, it was good & very helpful for me, it was very good, It was nicely planned and followed, It was a good experience that our senior is guiding us and helping us in our journey” etc.
11. Fresher Party: A fresher party for first-year students by second-year students of the college is being held on 9 Dec 2022 beginning at 05:30 pm. Besides various cultural programs being put up by second-year students, Mr and Ms Fresher will be selected.
Like every year this year too Anti Ragging Campaign began with a meeting of Director with All HODs and launching of air balloon with Anti Ragging Message above college complex.
KIRAN Anti Ragging awareness among senior students began with KIRAN (Kaho India Ragging Aur Nahin) program. The proctor of the college addressed all 2nd, 3rd & 4th year students between 19 July 2019 to 27 July 2019 mentioning ills of the ragging and provision of strict punishment to be awarded if one is involved in any incidence of ragging. Various provision of ragging as laid down by UGC/AICTE were explained. Video clips available on UGC site were also shown to all students. Students were also educated on ills of drugs.

A full day program for all first year students was held under supervision of Proctor, Dean Hostel and other faculty member. Senior 3rd & 4th year student members of Discipline Committee and other senior students of various cultural society were present. Students were engaged whole day with College Band Euphony, Dance Society Taal, Dramatic Society Goonj and Fashion Society Verve etc.
As per guidelines laid down by AICTE/University, a three week induction program was planned for all first year students during 01 – 22August, 2019. Various activities including PT, Human Values classes and Literary and Arts sessions were conducted during the Induction Program. Lectures on important and relevant topics like Sanskar, Nationalism and Time & Stress Management were organized.

The first year students visited all the departments, college facilities and the Faith Centre.

Visit to the Centres of Excellence in the College was organized. Prof. Ashiv Shah, CEO AKG Skills Foundation, briefed the students on the various industrial collaborations that the college is associated with.

Anti Ragging and Anti Drug Poster Making Competitions were planned on 30 August, 2019 for all first year students. Selected award winning posters were displayed in college exhibition arcade.
Students Enhanced Learning Program (SELP)
The Induction Program was followed by Students Enhanced Learning Program(SELP) during 26 – 31 August, 2019.
Art of living faculty members provided by Art of living foundation and approved by the AKTU simultaneously conducted this program in all 16 sections daily for two hours.
Like every year this year too Anti Ragging Campaign began with a meeting of Director with All HODs and launching of air balloon with Anti Ragging Message above college complex.
KIRAN :- Anti Ragging awareness among senior students began with KIRAN (Kaho India Ragging Aur Nahin) program. The proctor of the college addressed all 2nd, 3rd & 4th year students between 19 July 2018 to 24 July 2018 mentioning ills of the ragging and provision of strict punishment to be awarded if one is involved in any incidence of ragging. Various provision of ragging as laid down by UGC/AICTE were explained. Video clips available on UGC site were also shown to all students. Students were also educated on ills of drugs.
A full day program for all first year students was held under supervision of Proctor, Dean Hostel and other faculty member. Senior 3rd & 4th year student members of Discipline Committee and other senior students of various cultural society were present. Students were engaged whole day with College Band Euphony, Dance Society Taal, Dramatic Society Goonj and Fashion Society Verve etc.
As per guidelines laid down by AICTE/University a three week induction program was planned for all first year students wef. 25 July to 14 Aug 2018. Following daily activities were performed as per a well planned time schedule.
1. Physical Activity :- PT was carried out in small size squads of 30 students. Each of the squad was being surprised by faculty counselor under a well trained PT teacher daily separately for girls & boys. A combined PT session was done as on 12 Aug 2018.
2. Human Value Classes :- Each section of first year students of class size of 60 was taught Human Value aspects by selected faculty counselor qualified on Human Value and Professional Ethics Course conducted by the university.
3. Creative Art Sessions :- First year students were segregated depending on their choices of activities and were allotted to their respect activity group for sufficient numbers of periods for conducting of Creative Art Sessions.
4. Literary and Proficiency :- First year students were subjected to literary activities such as reading, writing, debating activities in their respective counselors periods. They also discussed with students to make them familiar with English, Computer common applications such as Power Point, Words and Excel sheet etc.
5. Lectures by Eminent People :- Multiple session of guest lectures were planned and conducted by eminent people on subjects of importance to make them handle any adverse situation. Each students was addressed in groups by following speakers on topic shown below:-
6. Visit of local Areas :- All students were made to visit college Faith Centre and various departments. They were also given virtual tour of the college facilities and other departments by senior students of societies.
7. Familiarization with industry and innovation :- All students in groups were addressed by the General Manager of AKG Skill Centre/TIFAC CORE on various industrial collaboration / MOU existing in the college. These were conducted across all 10 skill centres such as Labview Academy, Industrial Robotics Training Centre, BOSCH Rexorth Centre, JANATICS Industrial Pneumatics Knowledge Centre, Siemens Product Lifestyle Management Centre, AIA Competence Development Centre, FRONIUS Advance Welding Technology & Research Centre.
8. Games :- All first year students were made to attend games period from 4-5 PM daily and were to play/watch at least one game of their choice under an assigned coach.
Other Activities :- Beyond the scope of topic as mentioned Anti Ragging and Anti Drug Poster making competition was planned on one afternoon on 30 Aug 2018 for all first year students. Selected award wining posters were displayed in college archive in induction programme.
Feedback Obtained :- All students were asked to provide feedback on the conduct and quality of the induction program. A few comments made by most of the students were as “ It was great. Got a chance to explore myself and learned new things, Excellent, It was good and well organized, Nice it was awesome, it was good & very helpful for me, It was very good etc.